An overview of two recent CJEU cases on data privacy
On May 2023, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued two decisions regarding the interpretation of key aspects of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): the right to compensat...
Compensation for moral damages suffered by a person whose personal data have been disclosed. Conditions to be met in the light of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679
Through this analysis, we intend to examine the conditions under which the data subject may claim compensation for non-material damage caused as a result of the unlawful disclosure of his or her perso...
Reguli privind protecția avertizorilor în interes public
Legea nr. 361/2022 privind protecția avertizorilor în interes public (“Legea”) inițată în vederea transpunerii Directivei 1.937/2019, a intrat in vigoare in 22 decembrie 2022. Aceasta instituie cadrul...
Important changes to the Labour Code in the light of the EU legislation
A few significant amendments to the labour legislation were brought by the Law 283/2022 on the amendment and completion of the Labour Code, which came into force on 22nd of October 2022. The Law 28...
New rules on taxation of part-time employment contracts
The Government Ordinance no. 16/2022 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code, for the repeal of certain legislative acts and for other financial-fiscal measures...
Ordonanţa de urgenţă nr. 58/2022 pentru modificarea şi completarea unor acte normative din domeniul protecţiei consumatorilor
În Monitorul Oficial nr. 456, Partea I din 06 mai 2022, a fost publicată Ordonanța de urgență nr. 58/2022 („Ordonanța”), pentru modificarea și completarea următoarelor acte normative din domeniul prot...
Rules on the protection of whistleblowers
The draft Law on the protection of whistleblowers in public interest (the “Project”) initiated to transpose the Whistleblowing Directive (EU Directive 1.937/2019) sets the general framework for the pr...
Reguli privind protecția avertizorilor în interes public
Proiectul Legii privind protecția avertizorilor în interes public (“Proiectul”) inițat în vederea transpunerii Directivei ”Whistleblowing” (Directiva UE 1.937/2019) instituie cadrul general în m...